PST stuck on MapiMessage to MailMessage

Dear Team,

I am trying to convert PST to EML. But it gets stuck on 307th email. Whereas earlier version 22.7 is working fine. I have tried below code.

Aspose.Email.MailMessage mailMessage = null;

MapiMessage mapiMessage = pst.ExtractMessage(content);

//added on 21-5-2020
isMailread = (mapiMessage.Flags & MapiMessageFlags.MSGFLAG_READ) == MapiMessageFlags.MSGFLAG_READ;
isMailread = false;

//MailMessageInterpretor intepretor = MailMessageInterpretorFactory.Instance.GetIntepretor(mapiMessage.MessageClass);
//mailMessages = intepretor.Interpret(mapiMessage);
MailConversionOptions options = new MailConversionOptions();
options.ConvertAsTnef = false; //changes on 4-11-2017
mailMessage = mapiMessage.ToMailMessage(options); //Stucks at this point
mailMessage.Save(strActualName, SaveOptions.DefaultEml);

Please find attached sample file link:


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