Purchase infos

hi, I am a technician who is inquiring on behalf of my company for the purchase of the Aspose.PDF for .NET Framework library. Our need is to install the library in an ASP.NET MVC web application (so just in one project).
I have already done tests with your trial nuget, and I have already verified that its have the features we need, but I wanted which license is right for our use case (one .net mvc web application) because I honestly did not understand which license allows you to do what!

Many thanks in advance and sorry if it’s the wrong place to ask this but chats seems not working and i don’t know where to ask this.


Thanks for showing interest in our API.

You can select any license type as per the number of Developers and Deployment Locations. Please note that Aspose.PDF for .NET would work in any environment as long as it supports .NET Framework and respective IDEs. And you can use your license with the API in any type of .NET application. Please feel free to let us know in case you need further assistance. For sale related inquiries, you can post in our Purchase Forum.

Ok, thanks for this info, i would ask just two questions about this product

so, my technical doubt is: if we buy a OEM Developer for one user, then install the nuget package in the project we need, from then on only that user can work on that project (by project I mean an Aspnet MVC Web project), so only the “licensed” user can actually build the project?

my other question is that the pdf to ppt conversion worked, but is there any room for customization? For example, can I decide at least the size of the individual slides during the conversion phase? (A4, 16: 9 etc)

Thank you


Yes, your understanding is correct. With this license type, only one developer will be allowed who will be developing the project.

We regret to inform that you cannot set page size of PPT while exporting the PDF file. We will however investigate the feasibility of this feature for sure. Would you please share a sample PDF along with expected output PPT/PPTX? We will log a ticket in our issue tracking system and share the ID with you.

this is the input pdf:
outputPDF_637511558567379037.pdf (80.4 KB)

and this should be the expected customized output (it’s an “handmade” sample):



Thanks for sharing the sample files.

We have logged a feature request as PDFNET-49618 in our issue tracking system for your requirement of specifying page size during PDF to PPT/PPTX Conversion. We will further investigate its feasibility and let you know as soon as the feature is available. Please be patient and give us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.