Python Aspose using RC2 for encryption

I’m attempting to compile aspose.words for an internal python application and we ran into the following error when attempting to save a doc…

Cannot get required symbol EVP_rc2_cbc from libssl
Fatal Python error: Aborted

After further research it looks like RC2 is found to be a security risk and disabled from our OpenSSL package. Can Aspose encrypt with something more secure? Perhaps RC5?

Is there an option for modifying this?

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-26571

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Please provide steps to reproduce the issue. Thanks.

It’s a bit difficult because it works locally but when interacting with our build system is when we get the error.

I imported the wheel file to our package system and attempted to run from that environment and that’s when I get the error. This error is from our internal systems block rc2, since it’s deprecated (it also looks like rc5 is as well.)

After all that, that’s when I get the error above.

@chrisfll If possible, could you please emulate your target environment using Dockerfile and provide it here for testing? This will help us to reproduce and analyze the problem.

I cannot unfortunately - Amazon policy won’t let me do that.
With that said I know the issue is that RC2 is disabled in our Openssl build - this is causing the .net to not have the EVP_rc2_cbc from libssl

If there is a way to override that need (as I dont believe we need the features that utilize it) then we can do that. Otherwise I’ll have to find a workaround

@chrisfll Unfortunately, at the moment there is no way to exclude this dependency and we cannot further analyze the issue without ability to reproduce it on our side.