QR Code Not Reading Properly

I am trying to read a QR code from a PDF. I’ve done this with hundreds of QR codes, and many work fine. However, the ones that don’t work are very consistent about not working.

I have simplified the problem down to a BMP file with only the QR code in it. My phone can scan this just fine, to return the number 47956. However, Aspose tells me that the image does not contain a QR code.

Please review the attached image to determine what the issue might be.

Thank you for your assistance.

Hi Brad,

Thank you for your inquiry and providing sample file.

Please note that we have tested the scenario and are able to reproduce the issue at our end. The issue has been logged for further investigation with ID BARCODENET-34390. We will update you with the progress via this thread.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODENET-34390) have been fixed in this update.

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