Query on applying license for ever document load or at once during initial application load

As per Applying a License|Documentation, wanted to know if we need to set the license for every document operation ( like loading a document to render etc) or load/set it at once during the initial application load and it works for all the documents (excel, word, slide etc) ? If so, is there an expiry ?

Currently we set the license for every document load (where we are relying on the render to graphic object). So wanted to know if we can load licenses for all (excel, word, slide etc) at once per application initialisation.


You need to load/set your license once per your application’s life cycle. There is no need to initialize or set it repeatedly for every documentation rendering. Please note that you should put the licensing code (where you instantiate and set the License for each Aspose API - such as Aspose.Words, Aspose.Cells, Aspose.PDF, etc. - please use fully qualified naming when defining/instantiating the License class as it is there in all Aspose APIs) at a place where it should be processed at first and before using any other APIs.

Regarding the expiry of the license, please note that the Aspose license type is perpetual. This allows you to use the APIs indefinitely. This means you pay a one-time fee for it and can use it forever, as long as you use the Aspose API version that is published before your license expiry date (you may simply open the license file in notepad and check the expiry date for reference). An annual subscription is optional if you need to use the latest API version after your subscription expiry date.

Let us know if you have any further queries.