Question for apose.cells users: how do you test your app when you upgrade to a new version of aspose.cells


As we can see on this forum aspose is very responsive at fixing bugs and providing new minor releases. It’s all very good.

Unfortunately, recently, when I upgraded to version from version, the upgrade broke my app because of this bug: Export Excel to data table as string without the column name using Aspose.Cells for .NET in C#Export Excel to data table as string without the column name using Aspose.Cells for .NET in C# (the bug has been fixed).

So far, I took the upgrades kind of granted, however, this incident got me thinking that I should probably build some test cases to test a new aspose release before attempting to upgrade my app. Before this, I used to test briefly the functionality that uses aspose.cells within my app. I think those days are over. The permutations for things to go wrong are infinite and I think I need something more solid.

One idea that I had was perhaps to build a mega-spreadsheet with calculations that at least touch the functionality that my users use. Then build test cases where the results produced by the aspose calculation engine are compared against the excel calculations computed using the Excel objects. This seems to require quite a bit of work.

Any ideas or suggestions? Do any of you have test spreadsheets that can be used to test aspose.cells and which would cover some of its functionality?


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Well, when we publish new releases or hotfixes of the product, we do evaluate the version/fix to pass some general, customized and QA tests. Normally, we have some modules of test cases and we always add new test cases (with respect to user’s issue and its template file(s)) to the list/modules. A new fix must pass all the test cases (previous and new ones). If it does pass the test cases, we release the version or fix otherwise we sort the issues out first. For example, to evaluate Aspose.Cells’ calculated results and comparing them with MS Excel results, we have a separate routine that would evaluate each formula and its results comparing Aspose.Cells’s results (by Aspose.Cells formula calculation engine) Vs MS Excel results (MS Excel’s formula calculation engine). So, we can sort out which results are wrong and need to be fixed.

And, I think your approach to evaluate the fix before upgrade is fine.

Thank you.