Having had previous issues with large document production when using a 32bit EXE with the aspose.words.net DLL, often seeing memory spike to massive levels causing out of memory issues, I wondered if we utilized the .net 8+ version of the aspose.words.dll, does it make use of the multitude of improvements in performance, memory optimization and garbage collection?
Do you have any example benchmarks?
@GMiddleton I am afraid we do not have such benchmarks. However, as far as I know .NET8+ has better memory management than .NET4.8.
In addition, for reducing memory usage upon processing extremally large documents, you can try using LoadOptions.TempFolder, SaveOptions.TempFolder and SaveOptions.MemoryOptimization properties.
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Thanks, I’ll definitely try those options out.
I’ll produce my own benchmarks, but I can understand it’s difficult as its 100% dependent on document content which is infinitely variable.
However, I don’t think our issue was with loading or saving, but with building the document in memory.
Do these settings help with that or are there other settings that can help use a temporary file cache while building the document in memory?
@GMiddleton Yes, you are absolutely right, memory consumption depends on many factors, such as input document format, it’s complexity and content. The following article might be useful for you: