Quick parts not working

I have a quick part that inserts Sharepoint list metadata into a docx, as described in: https://amatterofdegree.typepad.com/a_matter_of_degree/2008/05/how-to-get-shar.html
If I open the document in Aspose, I see the placeholders, not the replaced data, thus I cannot convert successfully to .pdf or .doc
Is this what you describe as “custom xml support” in this thread? https://forum.aspose.com/t/99204
(issue 3046)
Thank you,

Thanks for your inquiry. Could you please attach your document here for testing? I will check the issue and provide you more information.
Which version of Aspose.Words do you use? The latest version of Aspose.Words already partially supports Custom XML. It supports Custom XML Data Storage and Properties in OOXML documents. You can download the latest version of Aspose.Words from here:
Best regards.

Hi Alexey,

I am using the latest version already. (9.1.0)

I am attaching the file in a protected zip, I am sending you the password by private message.

Thank you very much,

Hi Manuel,

Thank you for additional information. What you are asking for are Structured Document Tags or Content Controls. Aspose.Words does not support Content Controls at the moment. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as this feature is supported. We plan to support Content Controls in a month or two.
Best regards.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 4295) have been fixed in this update.

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