Quick question on HTML to .DOC

I was hoping I could get some quick help on something I know is probably simple. I’m trying to take HTML text out of a HTML text editor and place it in a Word file. I have this much of the code…

Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();
Document doc = new Document(Server.MapPath("Demo.doc"));
string [] fieldnames = {"Body"};
string [] fieldvalues = {WebHtmlEditor1.Text};
doc.MailMerge.Execute(fieldnames, fieldvalues);
string strFileNameMerge = Server.MapPath("DemoFinal.doc");

But from here I don’t know where to go. I thought I could use doc.save with the saveformat.formathtml but that doesn’t seem to work. The text comes over but the html tags are just visible rather than being converted.

Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

You need to use the DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml to insert HTML text into the document properly. Please check the API reference article for this method. It has a code snippet that shows how to do MailMerge with HTML.