\r\n appears as small square boxes in Document

Hello there,
I am appending some text(from a source template) containing ‘\r\n’ into output document at run-time.
But when I see the word document, they are replaced with small square boxes :-(Please see attached document for reference.
I tried replacing them with System.Environment.NewLine but still I see these small boxes.
Any idea?
Code snippet:

imageText = GetImageText(ref builder);
builder.InsertNode(new Run(builder.Document.Document, imageText));
private string GetImageText(ref DocumentBuilder builder)
    string imageText = "";
    Paragraph objCurrentParagraph = builder.CurrentParagraph;
    imageText = GetImageText(objCurrentParagraph);
    return imageText.Replace("WAITPHOTO", "");

private string GetImageText(Paragraph objCurrentParagraph)
    string paragraphText = "";

    while (objCurrentParagraph != null)
        paragraphText += objCurrentParagraph.ToTxt();
        foreach(Run objRun in objCurrentParagraph.Runs)
            objRun.Text = "";

        if (paragraphText.Contains("WAITPHOTO"))
        else if (paragraphText.Contains("Image"))
            paragraphText = "";
            objCurrentParagraph = objCurrentParagraph.NextSibling as Paragraph;

    return paragraphText;


Thanks fo royu rinquiry. Please try replacing it with \v (Aspose.Words.ControlChar.LineBreak).
Hope this helps.
Best regards.

Thank you

It works!