Re: Requesting a .NET 2.0 compiled version of slides

Dear Robert,

You don’t need to install .NET framework version 1.1. If your system has only version 2.0, even then Aspose.Slides should work fine, because 2.0 is backward compatible.

If you still have problems, then please let us know.

Dear Robert,

You don’t need to install .NET framework version 1.1. If your system has only version 2.0, even then Aspose.Slides should work fine, because 2.0 is backward compatible.

If you still have problems, then please let us know.

Hello Robert,

Current version is not very stable so spending time to provide .net 2.0 assembly will be useless.
So we will try to publish 2.0 asap specially for you after publishing next hot fix.
Unfortunately we can’t switch to .net 2.0 only because we have many customers who use .net 1.1.

Hello Robert,

I will provide version compiled with .net 2.0 in a couple of days.
I have to move project to VS2005 at first.

Any chance to have the build this week?



Dear Robert,

We have released new version of Aspose.Slides The .NET 2.0 compiled version will be released in next couple of days.

Please download the .NET 2.0 compiled version of Aspose.Slides from this link.

Note: The download contains two builds one is for .NET 1.1 and other is for .NET 2.0.