Re-use of IDs in SVG image tags

I am building a web-client document viewer that uses the Aspose.Words library to render SVG output on the server for client-side display. To support a scrolling interface, we render the document to SVG a page at a time.

The issue is that the SVG document generated for each page contains image tags with ID’s that repeated on subsequent pages. For example (below), on the first page, the SVG generates an image tag with id=”image2” in the section. On the second (or subsequent) page, it will generate a different image for that page, and reuse the id (image2)

Since we are placing each document in a different

on one web page (to implement scrolling), the IDs are colliding and the image reference on the second or subsequent page is displaying the image from the first page.

Is there any way I can force the SVG generation to qualify the identifiers so that they are specific to the context or page in which it is being generated?

Hi John,

Thanks for your inquiry. If you convert your document to SVG, you will get the different image IDs in output. You are converting each page of Word document to SVG. In this case, the image ID of each page may be same.

Could you please share some more detail about your requirements along with input Word document and expected output SVG files? Please also share the expected image IDs for each page. We will then provide you more information about your query.