Read File PDF From Transforming pdf file

11072021055006.pdf (805.8 KB)

I got this file pdf which was transform incorrect position. Any api from aspose pdf to make a correct position transform from this pdf. Thank you!


Could you please attach your expected output PDF here for our reference? Please also share the source of PDF document that generated it. We will then provide you more information on it.

Yup i’d like to this format :01GTKT_0000348.pdf (217.0 KB)
The content of my previous pdf file is tranform . So apose pdf can’t read text from it.


In your PDF document, there is a rotated image with negative angle. You can extract the image from PDF and set its skew angle using Aspose.PDF and Aspose.OCR. We suggest you please read the following articles.
Working with the Skew Angle of the Image
Extract Images from PDF C#

After setting the skew angle, you can save the final image to PDF using Aspose.OCR. Please read the detail from following article. Hope this helps you.
Get OCR Result as file