Read subproject info (inserted project information)

Hi Aspose team,

in project document I can insert subproject. Is there any way to do that over Tasks?
Or if I can read properties of inserted subproject that will be also good. At the end I need to read and change "Link to project" field where is path to inserted project.

If I understood properly this was introduced from Project 2010.

Way to insert SubProject is to click on Project => Subproject.


Hi Oliver,

Aspose.Tasks provides features to refer to cross project predecessors and identify cross project tasks. You may please have a look at the following articles and let us know the feedback.

  1. Cross project predecessors
  2. Identify cross project tasks

Hi Muhammad,

thanks for links.
I was thinking in direction of SubProjects.
Please see attached image.

Is it possible to read information about them?

I am particularly interested in changes of "Link to project" value as sometimes we need to move project to new location and that will break links. If I can update this field migration will be full success :).


Hi Oliver,

The changes of “Link to Project” are working with the output XML file but it is not working if the file is saved as MPP as tested with the following sample code. I have logged the issue as TASKS-34258 in our bug tracking system so that our Product team can investigate it further. We shall notify you here once there is some information available about this issue.


Project project = new Project(“MainProject.mpp”);

Task task = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(1);

Console.WriteLine("Task Name: " + task.Get(Tsk.Name));

Console.WriteLine(task.Get(Tsk.Name) + " " + task.Get(Tsk.IsSubproject).ToString());

Console.WriteLine(task.Get(Tsk.Name).ToString() + " " + task.Get(Tsk.IsSubprojectReadOnly).Value);


//setting new subproject link

task.Set(Tsk.SubprojectName, @“Documents\Docs\A\ATRevamped\ATRevamped\bin\Debug\SubProject2.mpp”);

Console.WriteLine("Update SubPRoject link: " + task.Get(Tsk.SubprojectName));

project.Save(“UpdatedMainProject.mpp”, SaveFileFormat.MPP);

project.Save(“UpdatedMainProject.xml”, SaveFileFormat.XML);

The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-34258) have been fixed in this update.

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