Read XBRL Taxonomy with all rules


There are any method to read XBRL Taxonomy and extract rules and datapoint to identify what elements should be there in XBRL. I have try to find out xbrl.dom in free trial but didn’t find it. It is there in online documentation.




To validate XBRL file, XBRL Instances, XBRL Linkbases, and XBRL Taxonomy Schemas MUST comply with the syntax requirements imposed in XBRL specification. To validate these, the XbrlInstance class provides the Validate() method.

See the documents for your reference.

If you still could not accomplish your task, kindly zip and share your sample XBRL file and sample code, we will look into it soon.

@kirtimasrani is the XBRL library available in Java or Javascript as a CDN?


Currently we have Aspose.Finance APIs for .NET and Python platforms only which are used to manage XBRL and iXBRL Finance-Related formats.