Reading data from excel file containing 1 million rows and 70 columns using .NET Aspose.cells

Hi Team,
I have a situation where i am trying to export data from an excel containing 1million rows and 70 columns using Aspose.cells. I am facing issue while reading data from excel because it takes hell lot of time just to load excel into the workbook variable and sometime it even gave me “out of memory exception”. I have to pull all the data from excel but don’t want to pull at once.
I have also tried the LoadOptions class with memory setting as MemoryPreference, but that also didn’t help much.
var loadOpt = new Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions
MemorySetting = MemorySetting.MemoryPreference

Is there a way to read the excel data row by row using Aspose.cells without loading the whole workbook into in-memory?

WorkBook wb = new WorkBook() — This will try to load whole excel file into in-memory.



Aspose.Cells provides the LightCells API, mainly designed to read or manipulate cell data one by one without building a complete data model block (using the Cell collection etc.) into memory. It works in an event-driven mode. When reading template files, the component parses every cell and provides their value one by one. In this mode, memory is saved when importing and exporting Microsoft Excel file that has a large data set which would otherwise use a lot of memory. So, you may try Light Cells APis for your task. See the document on using Light Cells API for your reference.