Reading Form fields failes when the pdf contains one ore more signatures

We are exporting the values of form fields, which is working perfect as long the document we process does not contain signatures.

If a document is signed, we receive the following exception, when we access the fields property:

var doc = new Document(new MemoryStream(content));
foreach (var field in doc.Forms.Fields) {…}

An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream.
An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream.
at System.IO.MemoryStream.Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin loc)
at #=zyZ6tZ6UcBtdU82oFB7JkEofNSuGJy82FDc5G5HxVRcd$.#=zsd7hOIg=(Int64 #=zO$h_lgs=, SeekOrigin #=zqIt78U4=)
at #=zyaCnUIOQ2a9lZA_lmyvaT0xPa$qd$7xXLw==.#=zjz3ey7E=(Byte[] #=zQx5Cl8c=, Int32 #=zO$h_lgs=, Int32 #=zQ$HyLnU=, Int32 #=zBW0rfIM=)
at #=zV7svFHCgDIEG9ZsT701t1f8LTroLM46XZwEUm8h4KF8Q1TWGjsG4bXYqEYZPe8e7xU0h0L1o9bxgnnbCnw==.#=zb8vq1FQ=(#=z69maIet4C$Ajhi5X5X1aSBiLEDxmW81TUw== #=zJ2V8XNc=, #=z8wqS1dWSpWKq8A6I3_EnVVn2nazr #=z$00Vl5g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Forms.Signature.#=zy3umWHxBj7BHgOMGwQvcpMg=(#=z69maIet4C$Ajhi5X5X1aSBiLEDxmW81TUw== #=zJ2V8XNc=, #=z8wqS1dWSpWKq8A6I3_EnVVn2nazr #=z$00Vl5g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Forms.Signature…ctor(#=z69maIet4C$Ajhi5X5X1aSBiLEDxmW81TUw== #=zJ2V8XNc=, #=z8wqS1dWSpWKq8A6I3_EnVVn2nazr #=z$00Vl5g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Forms.PKCS7Detached…ctor(#=z69maIet4C$Ajhi5X5X1aSBiLEDxmW81TUw== #=zJ2V8XNc=, #=z8wqS1dWSpWKq8A6I3_EnVVn2nazr #=z$00Vl5g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Forms.SignatureField…ctor(#=zKDi6weuPF0KFdCxX7iW74xYtfRHCMzE4ZQ== #=zob3qGz0=, Document #=z$00Vl5g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Forms.Field.#=zw49qYhg=(#=zKDi6weuPF0KFdCxX7iW74xYtfRHCMzE4ZQ== #=zbnG$ZOc=, Document #=z$00Vl5g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Forms.Form.#=zbe0uhng=.get_Current()

It looks as the constructor for the signature fields has a problem.
We are using Version 22.5.0.



Would you please share your sample PDF document along with the sample code snippet with us? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

I removed some pages and blackened the confidential content. The signatures however I had to leave for obvious reasons.

var doc = new Document(@“C:……\Antrag-Sicherheitsüberprüfung-signed-Invalid-Kopie.pdf”);

var fields = doc.Form.Fields;

We are using Aspose.Pdf version 22.5

Thank you for testing the scenario on your environment.

Best regards

image002.png (1.32 KB)

Antrag-Sicherheitsüberprüfung-signed-Invalid-Kopie.pdf (833 KB)


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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-55943

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