Recognize Number Plates using Aspose.OMR for .NET

I am wondering if I can use aspose OMR to recognize the number plates of a car. Please consider the below scenario:

A car is passing the gate of a garage, and as it stops a camera is taking a photo. Then Aspose OMR product should scan the photo in order to provide the car’s number plates in alphanumeric string. I have seen the code (.Net C#) how Aspose OMR does the capture, and it is using a template to recognize text based on that. So, do you already have a template suitable for recognizing car’s number plates?

Many thanks!


Currently Aspose.OMR for .NET provides capability to perform OMR operations over bubble answer sheets and questionnaires. However, we have logged an investigation ticket as OMR-557 in our issue tracking system for your particular requirements. We will further look into details of this scenario and keep you posted with the status of ticket resolution. Please be patient and spare us little time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Could you kindly share the sample of car plate no. with us. We will further investigate the feasibility accordingly.