Recognize Vehicle license plate

Dear support.
I’m testing if Aspose.OCR is able to recognize the letters from a photo of a license plate.
I’m using this code:

var asposeOcr = new AsposeOcr();
var vehicleRegNo1 = asposeOcr.RecognizeLine(newPath);

Over this image:
2021-11-22_11-45-34.jpg (281.0 KB)

…the engine does not return the license plate text.
What am I doing wrong?

Best regards


Could you please try using the below code snippet and share the output .txt file with us?

Aspose.OCR.AsposeOcr api = new OCR.AsposeOcr();
var result = api.RecognizeImage(dataDir + "2021-11-22_11-45-34.jpg", new Aspose.OCR.RecognitionSettings
 DetectAreas = false,
 RecognizeSingleLine = false,
 AutoSkew = true,
 AllowedCharacters = Aspose.OCR.CharactersAllowedType.ALL,
 //AutoContrast = true,
 Language = Aspose.OCR.Language.Eng
result.Save(dataDir + "recResults.txt", Aspose.OCR.SaveFormat.Text);

I’m getting empty
2021-11-24_13-04-23.png (92.1 KB)


We have logged an issue as OCRNET-444 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its rectification. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Would you please try to use AspoeOCR 23.5.0 version

string imgPath = testDataDir + "/Issues/OCRNET-444.jpg";
OcrInput input = new OcrInput(InputType.SingleImage);
var result = api.RecognizeCarPlate(input, new CarPlateRecognitionSettings());

This code gives such result


or even such settings

var result = api.RecognizeCarPlate(input, new CarPlateRecognitionSettings { 
                PreprocessingFilters = new PreprocessingFilter 
                } ,
                    Language = Language.Eng

