I’d like to be able to use Aspose.PDF.Kit to modify the Producer (document property), however it appears to be “read only”.
I tried to modify it with Aspose.PDF, but couldn’t get the file to save because of an issue regarding “Direct-To-File” and a different error with the Close() method.
Is there another way to accomplish this? Thanks for your advice.
Hi Mike,
I’m sorry to inform you that currently Aspose.Pdf.Kit doesn’t allow you to set the Producer property. However, I have logged a request for our team as PDFKITNET-11042 in our issue tracking system. Our development team will be looking into the matter and you’ll be updated via this forum as we allow setting the producer property.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 11042) have been fixed in this update.
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