Hi, I have the following code to add an image to a cell in my table, but with the stretch property covering the entire cell, I need to be able to minimize and fit it well.
2023-03-10 12_23_33-Window.png (8,0 KB)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(FirmaResized);
IPPImage imgx1 = DocumentoProcesado.Images.AddImage(stream);
// Add image to first table cell
tbl[columna, fila].CellFormat.FillFormat.FillType = Aspose.Slides.FillType.Picture;
tbl[columna, fila].CellFormat.FillFormat.PictureFillFormat.PictureFillMode = PictureFillMode.Stretch;
tbl[columna, fila].CellFormat.BorderTop.Width = 15;
tbl[columna, fila].CellFormat.BorderRight.Width = 15;
tbl[columna, fila].CellFormat.BorderBottom.Width = 35;
tbl[columna, fila].CellFormat.BorderLeft.Width = 15;
tbl[columna, fila].CellFormat.FillFormat.PictureFillFormat.Picture.Image = imgx1;