Referencing Excel Shapes

Hi all,

I have problems to reference Excel shapes from Aspose.cells. The method getShapes().get() gives me a shape object with an specific ID. But it is not equal with the ID or ZOrderPosition from Excel itself. All shapes in my Excel template have an unique name, given in the attribute AlternativeText i.e. "x-Achse". I need to get this shape "x-Achse" by Aspose.cells. Can you bring me on the right way ?

Thank you in advance.



Thanks for using Aspose.Cells for Java.

Please download and use the latest version: Aspose.Cells for Java 7.3.3

We have added the ShapeCollection class, you can iterate it and access all the Excel shapes. Also, Shape class has all the properties that can fulfill your needs.

workbook.getWorksheets().get(0).getShapes() will give you access to all shapes inside the first worksheet of your workbook


  1. AlternativeText
  2. ZOrderPosition
  3. Name
