Refresh Pivot fails on Power Query source

Any time our users have a pivot table with a Power Query data source, even a simple one that references a table in the same workbook, the Aspose RefreshPivotTables method throws an error (“data source is not supported”).

The code to reproduce this is just 2 lines with the sample file.

var wb = new Workbook("sample.xlsx");

This occurs with Aspose.Cells 22.2.0

error.JPG (19.0 KB) (15.0 KB)

We don’t support refresh the PivotTable with Power Query source. Sorry for inconvenience.

Thank you for the reply. If you would, please consider implementing this in the future. Our users are starting to use Power Query more often. Currently it seems that we cannot use Aspose on any Excel file that uses Power Query since changing the data in the file breaks the pivot tables that have a Power Query source.


A ticket was already logged with an id “CELLSNET-47434” for the feature. The ticket is attached with thread.
So far, we have done some work on the feature. But, due to incomplete technical documents, many important technical points cannot be broken through. For example, we could not overcome fully on data encryption and decryption, data organization and internal logic, etc. Anyways, we will continue to explore the implementation of this feature, but currently we cannot provide a specific timeframe for it.

Once we have an update on it, we will let you know.