Regarding html generated through Aspose not showing correctly in some machines

Have generated a html page from PDF using aspose.pdf package.
The html generated is not rendered correctly in some machines.
Any suggestion on what may be the issue?

Issue.docx (19.2 KB)

It shows some figure as in the attachment and not properly formatted.


Please attach the source document, the code snippet used, and information on which machines display is not displaying correctly. Does it depend on OS, browser, some other reasons?

The code snippet is like below:

HtmlSaveOptions htmlOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();

		 com.aspose.pdf.Document pdfdoc = new com.aspose.pdf.Document(CHANGE_NUMBER+".pdf");".html", SaveFormat.Html);

I am not in a position to share the pdf document ,because of security concerns. Machines might be of Windows or Linux ones.Browsers are chrome etc.


C00030.pdf (6.1 KB)

This is the sample source pdf

I applied the above code to the attached document and got an html document as the output, which is displayed validly for (2.3 KB)
Tell me, in order to get the effect that appears on some computers, do you need to run the code on these computers, or does the effect appear if you simply open the generated document on them?


Thanks.When i tried to open the html within zip you have included , it shows in an unformatted way.

image.png (30.9 KB)


I’m sorry, I missed the picture directory.
Perhaps for the same reason it sometimes opens incorrectly for you? (77.4 KB)

Now it showed fine for me.

Is C00030_files folder the picture directory?



quite right