Regarding reading barcode with Aspose.Barcode dll

Hi All,

I am trying to use the sample code from Aspose website to read the barcode from the pdf file receiving below error “BarcodeReader does not contain a constructor that takes 4 arguments”. Below are the definition i found in the meta file. No constructor with 4 arguments. Any help appreciated.
public BarCodeReader();
public BarCodeReader(Bitmap image);
public BarCodeReader(string imageFileName);


Using newer versions of Aspose.BarCode for .NET API, please refer to overloads list of the API Reference pages. Each overload has relevant Example code when clicking on any link for your complete reference.

Name Description
BarCodeReader() Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class with default values. Requires to set image (SetBitmapImage()) before to call ReadBarCodes() method.
BarCodeReader(Bitmap) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class from an image.
BarCodeReader(Stream) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(string) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class from file.
BarCodeReader(Bitmap, BaseDecodeType) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(Bitmap, params BaseDecodeType[]) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(Stream, BaseDecodeType) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(Stream, params BaseDecodeType[]) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(string, BaseDecodeType) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(string, params BaseDecodeType[]) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(Bitmap, Rectangle, BaseDecodeType) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(Bitmap, Rectangle, params BaseDecodeType[]) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(Bitmap, Rectangle[], BaseDecodeType) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.
BarCodeReader(Bitmap, Rectangle[], params BaseDecodeType[]) Initializes a new instance of the BarCodeReader class.

Regarding reading barcodes from PDF document, you need to use Aspose.PDF to extract/save images from different pages of the PDF file then use Aspose.BarCode to detect barcodes from the extracted images. See the document for your reference.

Hope, this helps a bit.