Regarding Saveformat issue

I have used the following code to my application. It was working fine.Suddenly it’s not working now.And I am getting the following error
‘asposepdf’ is not a member of ‘Aspose.Words.SaveFormat’.
Used the code as below.

// New a Doc object.
Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document("Test.doc");
// Save the doc in a xml fille that can be handled by Aspose.Pdf.
doc.Save("Test.xml", SaveFormat.AsposePdf);

Very urgency issue.Can you do needful to me?

This message was posted using Email2Forum by ShL77.

Thanks for your request. I just answered this question here:
<A href="

Best regards,

I used your way as below

Dim doc As Aspose.Words.Document = New Aspose.Words.Document(ServerPath & ".doc")
doc.Save(ServerPath & ".pdf")

The pdf file generated successfully and stored in particular path.
Previously I have merged all .pdf file in one .pdf file.That was working fine the previous source.
After implementing your solution the merge is not working.
Is there any option in aspose for merging.
could you assess ?


Thanks for your inquiry. You can concatenate PDF documents using Aspose.Pdf.Kit. Please follow the link for more information:
Also, you can concatenate MS Word document before converting them to PDF using Aspose.Words. Please follow the link to learn how to achieve this:
Best regards,

I am implementing the following code

Imports Aspose.Pdf.Kit
Imports Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfFileEditor
Dim inStream1 As FileStream = New FileStream(".\\example1.pdf", FileMode.Open)
Dim inStream2 As FileStream = New FileStream(".\\example2.pdf", FileMode.Open)
Dim inStream3 As FileStream = New FileStream(".\\example3.pdf", FileMode.Open)
Dim inStream4 As FileStream = New FileStream(".\\example4.pdf", FileMode.Open)
'Create output stream object that would contain the final PDF file
Dim outStream As FileStream = New FileStream(".\\multiStream.pdf", FileMode.Create)

'Store all input streams in an Array
Dim inStreams() As Stream = New Stream() {inStream1, inStream2, inStream3, inStream4}

'Instantiate PdfFileEditor object
Dim pdfEditor As PdfFileEditor = New PdfFileEditor()
'Call Concatenate method of PdfFileEditor object to concatenate all input streams
'into a single output stream
pdfEditor.Concatenate(inStreams, outStream)
'Finally close the output stream

But I can able to build.
I am getting the error as below
Value of type ‘Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfFileEditor’ cannot be converted to ‘Aspose.Pdf.Pdf’.
Concatenate’ is not a member of ‘Aspose.Pdf.Pdf’.


Thank you for additional information. Could you please create a simple application which will allow me to reproduce the problem on my side? I will check the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards,

I have finished my application using the following structure of code as well as merge concept.

// New a Doc object.
Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document("Test.doc");
// Save the doc in a xml fille that can be handled by Aspose.Pdf.
doc.Save("Test.xml", SaveFormat.AsposePdf);

suppose I would change the code direct conversion without xml I faced lot of issue.

Is there any option to follow the old method like doc.Save("Test.xml", SaveFormat.AsposePdf);



Thank you for additional inofmration. No there is no way to use SaveFormat.AsposePdf with the latest version. As I already mentioned this method of conversion to PDF was excluded from Aspose.Words.
Have you managed to create a simple application that will allow me to reproduce the problem with merging PDF documents produced by direct-to-PDF method?
Best regards,