Release planning Aspose Words for jasperReports

Now that there’s a new version of Aspose.Words for Java (v10.1) I’d like to get a rough feeling for when we can expect the next release of the Jasper version. Is there a public release planning for Aspose.Words for JasperReports?

Thank you for your interest in our products. The ETA of a new public release of Aspose.Words for JasperReports based on the latest Aspose.Words for Java is the end of May.


Any news concerning the next release of Aspose.Words for JasperReports?

Thanks for your request. We are planning to release new version before the end of this month. You can enable e-mail subscription on this page:
In this case, you will get an e-mail notification when new release comes out.
Best regards,

  • bump *

Any news on this? It’s several months later now…

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your inquiry and sorry for the delayed response. I have asked for the ETA of new public release of Aspose.Words for JasperReports from our development team. As soon as, any information is shared by them, I will be more then happy to share that with you.

Best Regards,

Hi Richard,

It is to update you that I have received response from our development team on the ETA i.e. the new version of Aspose.Words for Jasper Reports will be released in around one month’s time. As Alexey mentioned earlier, to recieve an e-mail notification when new release comes out, please enable e-mail subscription on the following page:

If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,


Is this information reliable ?

Because the release date has been “next month” for almost 10 months now.

And Aspose.Word for Jasperports version 1.3.1 have not been fixed in 2 years time for the problem mentioned here :

If Aspose plans on stopping the support for JasperReports it would be better to know now and move on to other solutions.



Thanks for your inquiry.

I have verified again and am glad to inform you that the new version of Aspose.Words for Jasper Reports will come out in around one month’s time for sure. Please consider this information reliable. Moreover, currently we don’t have any plan for stopping the support for Aspose.Words for Jasper Reports instead we’ll continue supporting this product in the future.

If we can help you with anything else, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,

Thanks for checking, looking forward to a release. I’m trusting Aspose to give this issue a high priority.