Remove attachment

i would like to remove an attachment from a document
so i have document
and the i run the next
for(Page page : document)

        List<AttachedFile> attachments = page.getChildNodes(AttachedFile.class);
       for (AttachedFile att: attachments )
            System.out.println("FileName: " + att.getFileName() + "att - " + att.getExtension());
            String ext =att.getExtension();
             if (if ext.contains("pdf"))
             att ??? how can i remove or replace the attachment whit empty one? there is no att.setbyte or replace or something



See the following sample code for your reference.

com.aspose.note.Document document = new com.aspose.note.Document("f:\\files\\");
List<com.aspose.note.Page> pages = document.getChildNodes(com.aspose.note.Page.class);
for(com.aspose.note.Page page:pages) {
     List<AttachedFile> attachments = page.getChildNodes(AttachedFile.class);
     for (AttachedFile att : attachments) {
          System.out.println("FileName: " + att.getFileName() + "att - " + att.getExtension());
          String ext = att.getExtension();
          if (ext.contains("pdf")) {
            com.aspose.note.OutlineElement outlineElement = (com.aspose.note.OutlineElement)att.getParentNode();

HI thnak you for your answer,
the problem whit your solution is that we get the next exception if the file Attached inside the page
InnerExceptions":[{“com.aspose.note.Page cannot be cast to com.aspose.note.OutlineElement”:{]


Could you please share sample code (runnable) here. Also attach your sample OneNote document. We will check it soon.