Remove PDF unknown passwords

Currently when we are doing PDF to TIF conversions (using a 3rd product) we get an error that the PDF failed to convert if the PDF is password protected. We want to start using Aspose tools and I have a question regarding being able to remove the password from a PDF.

If a PDF is protected, will Aspose fail in converting it to a TIF image?

If yes, then is it possible to remove the password (or passwords) from the PDF without knowing the original passwords? I found some sample code in a post here, but I’m not sure if this would be the way to do it or if there is another way. I’m currently using the PDFConverter object (part of the Aspose.Pdf.Facades namespace) and it has a “Password.Remove” method with a parameter for a starting offset. I tried it with a 0, but I get an error on that line.

Any help or sample code would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,


Hi Nelson,

Thanks for your inquiry. I’m afraid Aspose.Pdf doesn’t support the request functionality of opening encrypted Pdf document without password . However, if you know the password then you can use PdfFileSecurity object to remove password as you also referred a similar thread.

Sorry for the inconvenience faced.

Best Regards,