Remove style element raises NullReferenceException

I am post-processing an SVG with embedded WOFF fonts (some custom) to make it compatible to insert as a Microsoft Word image and retain fonts.

I am encountering a problem where I cannot remove the parent style element containing the embedded font as I get a NullReferenceException. I can remove the CSS rule from the stylesheet but I cannot remove the now empty stylesheet.

I am probably going about this in the wrong way, any guidance is appreciated.

Using Aspose.SVG 21.10 with .NET 5.0

In the most basic scenario to reproduce,

  1. Load SVG.
  2. Replace elements containing “font-family” attribute with “Arial” value.
  3. Remove elements. The “Tahoma” font-face is no longer used by any elements.

This causes a NullReferenceException with stack trace:

at ..(Node )
at Aspose.Svg.Dom.Node.(Node , Node , Boolean )
at Aspose.Svg.Dom.Node.(Node , Node )
at Aspose.Svg.Dom.Node.RemoveChild(Node child)
at Aspose.Svg.Dom.Element.Remove()

Code to reproduce using example SVG file in attached example (497.0 KB)

        // 1. Load SVG
        var document = new SVGDocument(fileName);

        // 2. Replace elements containing "font-family" attribute with "Arial" value
        using (var iterator = document.CreateNodeIterator(document))
            Node node;
            while ((node = iterator.NextNode()) != null)
                if (node is SVGElement element && 
                    element.SetAttribute("font-family", "Arial");

        // 3. Remove <style> elements
        var elements = new List<SVGStyleElement>();
        using (var iterator = document.CreateNodeIterator(document))
            Node node;
            while ((node = iterator.NextNode()) != null)
                if (node is SVGStyleElement styleElement)
        foreach (var element in elements)
            // Raise NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


We have logged an issue as SVGNET-42 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its rectification. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.