We are replacing the text using com.aspose.pdf. There is a use case where we need to find hyperlink if the replacing text contains hyperlink then to remove the link.
Is there a way to find and remove hyperlink from specific word in pdf.
We are replacing the text using com.aspose.pdf. There is a use case where we need to find hyperlink if the replacing text contains hyperlink then to remove the link.
Is there a way to find and remove hyperlink from specific word in pdf.
EmailDetails.pdf (22.4 KB)
I have attached the sample pdf where I want to remove from ravi@gmail.com from the document.
Is there possibility to check if any work has hyperlink or not.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): PDFNET-57787
You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
I tried to remove, the code should be something like following
for (int i = 1; i < page.Annotations.Count; i++)
LinkAnnotation link_ann = page.Annotations[i] as LinkAnnotation;
if (link_ann != null && link_ann.Action is GoToURIAction)
var uriString = ((GoToURIAction)link_ann.Action).URI;
if (uriString == "mailto:ravi@gmail.com")
However after reopening it’s still there and currently I haven’t found any workaround
If I find one or there will be any updates on this issue I’ll write you as soon as possible
I checked issue with latest version, issue is still present
here’s redacted version on 24.8
EmailDetails_redacted.pdf (50.3 KB)
There’s no update on task yet, so it’s hard to give any ETA.
I’ll try to raise priority of the task, hopefully it will speed up the process of fixing the issue