Removeif does not work in the LINQ report engine

Hi team.

I am using the LINQ to generate a chart in the word document.

Here is the template and the json data (27.0 KB)
I am trying to use removeif feature to not display the 0 value rows, but it gave me the error message:

Please advise if you have any solution for this.

Thank you,

@YiyangShi We will investigate the issue and get back to you soon.


As per Including Chart Series Dynamically, the purpose of removeif tags is removal of a whole series depending on a condition.

However, the provided template contains just a single series, which would yield an empty chart if removeif triggers. It seems like this is not an expected result and filtering of collection items to exclude zeros is expected instead. If this is the case then <<foreach [in assestAllocation]>> should be changed to <<foreach [in assestAllocation.where(a => a.geoGFundPer != 0)]>> instead of using removeif.

For more information, see Enumeration Extension Methods.

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Thank you for your solution. it works for me now. Btw do we have any sorting feature in our LINQ report engine? we want to sort the array according to the value.


Sure, this can be done by applying orderBy or orderByDescending to a collection. See Enumeration Extension Methods for more information.