Hi There,
We are generating a pdf which has a lot of whitespaces in between. The issue is that, the page which contains a form is being rendered as a separate pdf and then being appended to the intended PDF. Because of this a lot of extra spaces are getting introduced in the document. Can you please help me by providing way by which we can eliminate those spaces and render the content one after another.
I am attaching a sample here to give you better clarity on the issue.SamplePDF.pdf (158.9 KB)
Would you please share how you are generating this PDF? Have you tried different code approach to create it in order to reduce the whitespace? It is not possible to trim the white space between content in a PDF format. We will however try to investigate the feasibility to generate a proper formatted output by modifying the code that you will be sharing with us.
Thanks for the response @asad.ali and sorry for the late reply. I understand it would be difficult to eliminate whitespace once the PDF has been generated. In place of that, can you please tell me if there is any way we can convert an OperatorCollection object to a BaseParagraph object?
This feasibility was not investigated before. However, if you could please share some sample code that could demonstrate the needs of this requirement, we will log an investigate ticket in our issue tracking system and share the ID with you.