noticed that you have implemented this feature using a new API: Worksheets.removeName(String text).
Thanks for your inquiry.
Well, I think you may use Worksheets.Names.Remove() and Worksheets.Names.RemoveAt() methods to remove a named range. Moreover, you may use Worksheets.Names.Clear() to remove all the named ranges in the workbook.
Thank you.
Not working … i am getting exception…The exception comes at this line:
We have found an issue regarding Names.Clear() method, we will figure it out soon.
Thank you.
Just to help you guys out, here is a more detilaed code to see what is going wrong.
Hi Sunil,
Please try the attached version, we have fixed the issue regarding named range.
Thank you.
Thanks for all the efforts that your team is putting in. But my problem does not really get fixed. I am still getting the exception (see detailed code above). The only difference is that the exception comes much later in the processing now.
We appreciate if you could create a simple project with sample template file(you may have dummy data in it), zip it and post it here to reproduce the issue, we will check it soon. You may also check the Checkbox labelled "Keep this post private", doing so, only you and Aspose staff would be able to see/download your attachments.
Thank you.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 10002) have been fixed in this update.
Note: Just for your knowledge. In the new release v4.8.0, we have merged Aspose.Grid suite to Aspose.Cells for .NET msi installer as Aspose.Grid would be no longer offered as a separate product now. You need to install the installer (uninstall older one first if you have) and use only Aspose.Cells.dll library in your project for your need. You may also take advantage using Aspose.Cells Grid suite though.