Render a PDF from memory

Is there a way to have the browser render a PDF from memory? Not eve sure I’m asking the correct question. Currently, I’m creating a PDF, then using a corresponding URL, I can display the PDF in a browser window. My users can then print the PDF - its a report from their point of view. But now I need to worry about deleting the PDF file. I want to eliminate the delete of the file.


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Do you need to display the resultant PDF document in browser window instead of first saving it and then reading its contents to be displayed in web browser ? If so is the case, then please try using the following overloaded method of Pdf.Save(…) class to accomplish this requirement. It will directly render the resultant PDF in user’s browser.

public void Save(string,SaveType,HttpResponse);

In case I have not properly understood your requirements, please share some more details.

That sounds like just what I need. Two questions - Is the first parm on that overload method, the file name, basicallly irrelevant?

Also, I'm getting an error why I try that overload method. I have attached the error that I got in Visualo Studio.

Hello - Do you have any thoughts on my previous post on the Error? I get the error when calling: public void Save(string,SaveType,HttpResponse);

Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Is the first parm on that overload method, the file name, basicallly irrelevant

The first parameter FileName is the name for the document that will appear at the client browser. If you use SaveType.OpenInBrowser, the file name is of no use.

Also, I'm getting an error why I try that overload method. I have attached the error that I got in Visualo Studio.

Please share the complete code (or a sample application), and your template file (if any) to show the issue. We will check it and get back to you soon.

Thank You & Best Regards,