Render Bulleted List Symbols of Word Document to PDF using Java | Install Wingdings Fonts to Avoid Empty Square Boxes

When trying to save a Word template containing a bulleted list as a PDF, the bulleted list symbol is displayed as an empty square. This happens even for the “simplest” Word documents, i.e. just creating a standard empty Word document in Office without changing any styles and just adding a bulleted list and then loading it with Aspose Words and saving it as PDF. We use the newest version of Aspose Words for Java. Thanks for any suggestions and hints in advance!


MS Word applies ‘Symbol’, ‘Courier New’, ‘Wingdings’ etc Fonts to standard bullets. Please make sure these fonts are installed on your machine where you are performing Word to PDF conversion using Aspose.Words for Java. Please refer to the following section of documentation:

Thanks a lot for your reply! We will try that. We first thought that it must be something else, because in the code we are registering a IWarningCallback which should report Font Substitutions, but no substitutions were reported by the IWarningCallback. Shouldn’t it be reported by IWarningCallback if these Windows True Type fonts are missing?


Yes in this case, you should see a fonts related warning message. Are you observing this problem in Windows or Linux based OS? Have you tried the latest (21.2) version of Aspose.Words for Java on your end? In case the problem still remains, then please ZIP and upload your input Word document and Aspose.Words generated PDF file showing the undesired behavior here for testing. We will then investigate the issue further on our end and provide you more information.