Render Images Adjacent to Text

Is it possible to render images adjacent to text? For example, a webpage might have the following:

This is text. (image here) This is text after the image.

It looks like your API can only do:

This is text.
(image here)
This is text after the image.

Dear cohenn,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

You are right. But you can try using a table and placing the text and image in different cells.

That would certainly work for this case:

This is text. This is text.

But something like this would not work well:

This is long text that wraps around the edge of
the screen. This is more long text that
wraps around the edge of the screen.

It would most likely render as:

This is text that wraps around This is text that wraps around
the edge of the screen. the edge of the screen.

What I really need is a DOM that supports:

Image (or Paragraph)

Dear cohenn,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

I know this feature is useful but it is not supported now. And we can’t support it in short time since it will cost much time to change the DOM.