Repeat other data in row that contains smart marker

For example in image below, I want the label ‘Phone Number’ to be also repeated without defining it in [DataSource] whenever a new row is added by the smart marker &=[DataSource].PhoneNumber

image.png (1.2 KB)

Expected outcome:

image.png (1.2 KB)

Actual outcome:

image.png (1.1 KB)

Thanks very much!

Could you please share Excel file with expected behavior. We will provide our feedback after analysis.


There are two ways to accomplish your task, you may choose one for your requirements.

  1. Use dynamic formula in Smart Markers to get your desired results. For example, you may replace the “Phone number” text in the first cell with the repeat dynamic smart marker formula as follows:
    &=&=Concatenate("Phone", " number")

  2. You may copy the constant value “Phone number” to all the relevant cells manually by Aspose.Cells APIs after you have processed the markers and data is filled into the cells.

Hope, this helps a bit.

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Amazing, using the repeat dynamic formula works! Thanks for your help very much.

You are welcome.