Repeating table header in reporting engine


I need to repeat a table header when the table spans across multiple pages.

I have attached a example document, I have set it so the table ‘repeat header rows’ via the Word gui, but it doesn’t repeat the headers at all.

tableHeaderTest.docx (30.4 KB)

I believe this used to be possible in the older versions of aspose.word but I can’t figure it out using the reporting engine.

Any help would be appreciated.


@josephallison As I can see the template is setup correctly and blue table header should be repeated on each page. If possible could you please attach your sample data source and code that will allow us to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

I have attached a printout and the datasource (in a zip file)

It seems there is a maximum file size so I can’t upload a cut down version of the code but I have zipped it up and here is a google drive link - AsposeTableCode - Google Drive

aspose (2.7 KB)
TableTest (4).pdf (1.5 MB)

It is a simple project that takes the JSON data and put its onto the template and hopefully as you will see the headers are not repeated.

@josephallison Thank you for additional information. unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my side using the latest 24.2 version of Aspose.Words. Here is the output document produced with the latest version my side: out.pdf (2.0 MB)

Also, As I can see you re using UpdateTableLayout method. This method is deprecated and is not recommended to use. UpdateTableLayout method was the first attempt of table grid calculation algorithm implementation. Currently another implementation is used internally by Aspose.Words, so normally there is no need to call additional methods to calculate table layout.