Repeating Table Header (print title) does not work after Excel to Pdf Conversion


we are using Aspose Cells and Aspose Pdf for Java to create Excel and PDF reports based on a variety of Excel template files. The first two rows (different among the files) within the templates have been set to repeat on each page (in Excel’s Page Setup dialog “rows to repat at top”).

Aspose Cells treats that setting correctly while the PDF does not. I can even check within the code that the printTitleRows setting is correctly recognized by the Aspose Cells workbook object. Now, what do I need to do for not loosing that setting during PDF conversion? Other threads about repeating headers etc. didn’t get me any further.

Here’s the code I used (everything attached as well):

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();“test.xls”);“test.xml”, FileFormatType.ASPOSE_PDF);

String printTitleRows = workbook.getWorksheets().getSheet(0).getPageSetup().getPrintTitleRows();
System.out.println("PrintTitleRows: " + printTitleRows); // correctly reports $1:$2

Pdf pdf1 = Pdf.bindXML(new FileInputStream(“test.xml”)); FileOutputStream(“test.pdf”));

Jar-Versions used are:
- Aspose Pdf 2.4.00 for Java (still cannot use 2.5 due to this bug)
- Aspose Cells for Java

Thanks for your help!


Printing title rows in Excel to Pdf conversion is not supported. We will support the feature soon.

Your issue has been logged into our issue tracking system with an issue id: CELLSJAVA-16001.

Thank you.

Thank you for the quick answer.

I there any chance Aspose Cells will support saving PDF files directly some day soon, as Aspose Words already does?


We are working on direct Xls2Pdf conversion feature and will update you when the feature gets supported.

Thank You & Best Regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 16001) have been fixed in this update.

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