I would suggest to try using DocumentExplorer demo to investigate your document internal structure.
headers/footers are applied on the section level. the implementation provided on GitHub does not take in account sections. So in the extracted content document there will be no headers/footers. Here is the modified implementation that takes sections into account:
internal class ExtractContentHelper
public static List<Node> ExtractContent(Node startNode, Node endNode, bool isInclusive)
// First, check that the nodes passed to this method are valid for use.
VerifyParameterNodes(startNode, endNode);
// Create a list to store the extracted nodes.
List<Node> nodes = new List<Node>();
// If either marker is part of a comment, including the comment itself, we need to move the pointer
// forward to the Comment Node found after the CommentRangeEnd node.
if (endNode.NodeType == NodeType.CommentRangeEnd && isInclusive)
Node node = FindNextNode(NodeType.Comment, endNode.NextSibling);
if (node != null)
endNode = node;
// Keep a record of the original nodes passed to this method to split marker nodes if needed.
Node originalStartNode = startNode;
Node originalEndNode = endNode;
// Add the section where the start node is placed.
// Extract content based on block-level nodes (paragraphs and tables). Traverse through parent nodes to find them.
// We will split the first and last nodes' content, depending if the marker nodes are inline.
startNode = GetAncestorInBody(startNode);
endNode = GetAncestorInBody(endNode);
bool isExtracting = true;
bool isStartingNode = true;
// The current node we are extracting from the document.
Node currNode = startNode;
// Begin extracting content. Process all block-level nodes and specifically split the first
// and last nodes when needed, so paragraph formatting is retained.
// Method is a little more complicated than a regular extractor as we need to factor
// in extracting using inline nodes, fields, bookmarks, etc. to make it useful.
while (isExtracting)
// Clone the current node and its children to obtain a copy.
Node cloneNode = currNode.Clone(true);
bool isEndingNode = currNode.Equals(endNode);
if (isStartingNode || isEndingNode)
// We need to process each marker separately, so pass it off to a separate method instead.
// End should be processed at first to keep node indexes.
if (isEndingNode)
// !isStartingNode: don't add the node twice if the markers are the same node.
ProcessMarker(cloneNode, nodes, originalEndNode, currNode, isInclusive,
false, !isStartingNode, false);
isExtracting = false;
// Conditional needs to be separate as the block level start and end markers, maybe the same node.
if (isStartingNode)
ProcessMarker(cloneNode, nodes, originalStartNode, currNode, isInclusive,
true, true, false);
isStartingNode = false;
// Node is not a start or end marker, simply add the copy to the list.
// Move to the next node and extract it. If the next node is null,
// the rest of the content is found in a different section.
if (currNode.NextSibling == null && isExtracting)
// Move to the next section.
Section nextSection = (Section)currNode.GetAncestor(NodeType.Section).NextSibling;
currNode = nextSection.Body.FirstChild;
// Move to the next node in the body.
currNode = currNode.NextSibling;
// For compatibility with mode with inline bookmarks, add the next paragraph (empty).
if (isInclusive && originalEndNode == endNode && !originalEndNode.IsComposite)
IncludeNextParagraph(endNode, nodes);
// Return the nodes between the node markers.
return nodes;
public static Document GenerateDocument(Document srcDoc, List<Node> nodes)
// Clone source document to preserve source styles.
Document dstDoc = (Document)srcDoc.Clone(false);
// Import each node from the list into the new document. Keep the original formatting of the node.
NodeImporter importer = new NodeImporter(srcDoc, dstDoc, ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles);
foreach (Node node in nodes)
if (node.NodeType == NodeType.Section)
Section srcSection = (Section)node;
Section importedSection = (Section)importer.ImportNode(srcSection, false);
importedSection.AppendChild(importer.ImportNode(srcSection.Body, false));
foreach (HeaderFooter hf in srcSection.HeadersFooters)
importedSection.HeadersFooters.Add(importer.ImportNode(hf, true));
Node importNode = importer.ImportNode(node, true);
return dstDoc;
public static void FixCommnetIds(Document doc)
NodeCollection comments = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Comment, true);
List<CommentRangeStart> commentRangeStarts = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.CommentRangeStart, true).Cast<CommentRangeStart>().ToList();
List<CommentRangeEnd> commentRangeEnds = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.CommentRangeEnd, true).Cast<CommentRangeEnd>().ToList();
foreach (Comment c in comments)
CommentRangeStart start = commentRangeStarts.Where(s => s.CustomNodeId == c.CustomNodeId).FirstOrDefault();
CommentRangeEnd end = commentRangeEnds.Where(e => e.CustomNodeId == c.CustomNodeId).FirstOrDefault();
start.Id = c.Id;
end.Id = c.Id;
private static void VerifyParameterNodes(Node startNode, Node endNode)
// The order in which these checks are done is important.
if (startNode == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Start node cannot be null");
if (endNode == null)
throw new ArgumentException("End node cannot be null");
if (!startNode.Document.Equals(endNode.Document))
throw new ArgumentException("Start node and end node must belong to the same document");
if (startNode.GetAncestor(NodeType.Body) == null || endNode.GetAncestor(NodeType.Body) == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Start node and end node must be a child or descendant of a body");
// Check the end node is after the start node in the DOM tree.
// First, check if they are in different sections, then if they're not,
// check their position in the body of the same section.
Section startSection = (Section)startNode.GetAncestor(NodeType.Section);
Section endSection = (Section)endNode.GetAncestor(NodeType.Section);
int startIndex = startSection.ParentNode.IndexOf(startSection);
int endIndex = endSection.ParentNode.IndexOf(endSection);
if (startIndex == endIndex)
if (startSection.Body.IndexOf(GetAncestorInBody(startNode)) >
throw new ArgumentException("The end node must be after the start node in the body");
else if (startIndex > endIndex)
throw new ArgumentException("The section of end node must be after the section start node");
private static Node FindNextNode(NodeType nodeType, Node fromNode)
if (fromNode == null || fromNode.NodeType == nodeType)
return fromNode;
if (fromNode.IsComposite)
Node node = FindNextNode(nodeType, ((CompositeNode)fromNode).FirstChild);
if (node != null)
return node;
return FindNextNode(nodeType, fromNode.NextSibling);
private static void ProcessMarker(Node cloneNode, List<Node> nodes, Node node, Node blockLevelAncestor,
bool isInclusive, bool isStartMarker, bool canAdd, bool forceAdd)
// If we are dealing with a block-level node, see if it should be included and add it to the list.
if (node == blockLevelAncestor)
if (canAdd && isInclusive)
// cloneNode is a clone of blockLevelNode. If node != blockLevelNode, blockLevelAncestor
// is the node's ancestor that means it is a composite node.
// If a marker is a FieldStart node check if it's to be included or not.
// We assume for simplicity that the FieldStart and FieldEnd appear in the same paragraph.
if (node.NodeType == NodeType.FieldStart)
// If the marker is a start node and is not included, skip to the end of the field.
// If the marker is an end node and is to be included, then move to the end field so the field will not be removed.
if (isStartMarker && !isInclusive || !isStartMarker && isInclusive)
while (node.NextSibling != null && node.NodeType != NodeType.FieldEnd)
node = node.NextSibling;
// Support a case if the marker node is on the third level of the document body or lower.
List<Node> nodeBranch = FillSelfAndParents(node, blockLevelAncestor);
// Process the corresponding node in our cloned node by index.
Node currentCloneNode = cloneNode;
for (int i = nodeBranch.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Node currentNode = nodeBranch[i];
int nodeIndex = currentNode.ParentNode.IndexOf(currentNode);
currentCloneNode = ((CompositeNode)currentCloneNode).GetChild(NodeType.Any, nodeIndex, false);
RemoveNodesOutsideOfRange(currentCloneNode, isInclusive || (i > 0), isStartMarker);
// After processing, the composite node may become empty if it has doesn't include it.
if (canAdd &&
(forceAdd || ((CompositeNode)cloneNode).HasChildNodes))
private static void RemoveNodesOutsideOfRange(Node markerNode, bool isInclusive, bool isStartMarker)
bool isProcessing = true;
bool isRemoving = isStartMarker;
Node nextNode = markerNode.ParentNode.FirstChild;
while (isProcessing && nextNode != null)
Node currentNode = nextNode;
bool isSkip = false;
if (currentNode.Equals(markerNode))
if (isStartMarker)
isProcessing = false;
if (isInclusive)
isRemoving = false;
isRemoving = true;
if (isInclusive)
isSkip = true;
nextNode = nextNode.NextSibling;
if (isRemoving && !isSkip)
private static List<Node> FillSelfAndParents(Node node, Node tillNode)
List<Node> list = new List<Node>();
Node currentNode = node;
while (currentNode != tillNode)
currentNode = currentNode.ParentNode;
return list;
private static void IncludeNextParagraph(Node node, List<Node> nodes)
Paragraph paragraph = (Paragraph)FindNextNode(NodeType.Paragraph, node.NextSibling);
if (paragraph != null)
// Move to the first child to include paragraphs without content.
Node markerNode = paragraph.HasChildNodes ? paragraph.FirstChild : paragraph;
Node rootNode = GetAncestorInBody(paragraph);
ProcessMarker(rootNode.Clone(true), nodes, markerNode, rootNode,
markerNode == paragraph, false, true, true);
private static Node GetAncestorInBody(Node startNode)
while (startNode.ParentNode.NodeType != NodeType.Body)
startNode = startNode.ParentNode;
return startNode;