I am attempting to replace some text within an existing PDF however i need to replace the textfragment with a paragraph so i can take advantage of the word wrapping of paragraphs. However creating a paragraph with the positioning and sizing of the found fragment produces an offset result (i expect in the example below the new paragraph to exactly over lap the existing text fragment) also if the paragraph rectangle is set to that of the fragment and wordwrap is enabled then the text is wrapped given the paragraph being the same size i would expect the tedt to not be wrapped given the size is the same as the textfragment and margins are zero .
Additionally i was under the impression that a documents origin is Lower left 0,0 but when i add text set to inlineparagraph to the page.paragraph collection the text is not appearing the position i have specified, instead it is appearing far right in the example and rotated
Dim doc As New Document
doc.PageInfo.Height = Pdf.PageSize.A1.Height
doc.PageInfo.Width = Pdf.PageSize.A1.Width
Dim page As Page = doc.Pages.Add
page.Rotate = Rotation.on90
Dim builder As New TextBuilder(page)
Dim fragment1 As New TextFragment("Text Builder 1")
fragment1.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Times New Roman")
fragment1.TextState.FontSize = 12
fragment1.Position.XIndent = 100
fragment1.Position.YIndent = 100
fragment1 = New TextFragment("Page Paragraph") ''this appears right hand side at top? put PDF origin should be 0,0 LLX,LLY so with a 90 Deg rotation this is still incorrect
fragment1.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Times New Roman")
fragment1.TextState.FontSize = 12
fragment1.Position.XIndent = 100
fragment1.Position.YIndent = 200
fragment1.IsInLineParagraph = True
fragment1 = New TextFragment("Text Builder 2")
fragment1.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Times New Roman")
fragment1.TextState.FontSize = 12
fragment1.Position.XIndent = 100
fragment1.Position.YIndent = 300
''find the text builder and add a paragraph over the top
Dim absorber As New TextFragmentAbsorber("Text Builder 1")
For Each textFrag As TextFragment In absorber.TextFragments
Dim newPar As New TextParagraph
newPar.Rectangle = New Rectangle(textFrag.Rectangle.LLX, textFrag.Rectangle.LLY, textFrag.Rectangle.URX, textFrag.Rectangle.URY)
newPar.FormattingOptions.WrapMode = TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode.ByWords
Dim newFrag As New TextFragment("Text Builder 1")
newFrag.TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.Green
newFrag.TextState.Font = textFrag.TextState.Font
newFrag.TextState.FontSize = textFrag.TextState.FontSize
''reopen the pdf in case when it renders to file the positions are corrected
doc = New Document("c:\temp\foo5.pdf")
page = doc.Pages(1)
builder = New TextBuilder(page)
absorber = New TextFragmentAbsorber("Text Builder 2")
For Each textFrag As TextFragment In absorber.TextFragments
Dim newPar As New TextParagraph
newPar.Rectangle = New Rectangle(textFrag.Rectangle.LLX, textFrag.Rectangle.LLY, textFrag.Rectangle.URX, textFrag.Rectangle.URY)
newPar.FormattingOptions.WrapMode = TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode.NoWrap
Dim newFrag As New TextFragment("Text Builder 2")
newFrag.TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.Red
newFrag.TextState.Font = textFrag.TextState.Font
newFrag.TextState.FontSize = textFrag.TextState.FontSize
''reopen the pdf in case when it renders to file the positions are corrected
doc = New Document("c:\temp\foo5.pdf")
page = doc.Pages(1)
builder = New TextBuilder(page)
absorber = New TextFragmentAbsorber("Text Builder 2")
For Each textFrag As TextFragment In absorber.TextFragments
Dim newPar As New TextParagraph
newPar.Rectangle = New Rectangle(textFrag.Rectangle.LLX, textFrag.Rectangle.LLY, textFrag.Rectangle.URX, textFrag.Rectangle.URY)
newPar.FormattingOptions.WrapMode = TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode.NoWrap
Dim newFrag As New TextFragment("Text Builder 2")
newFrag.TextState.ForegroundColor = Color.Red
newFrag.TextState.Font = textFrag.TextState.Font
newFrag.TextState.FontSize = textFrag.TextState.FontSize