Replacing a text with Hyperlink in MS WORD doc using JAVA


  1. I would like know if Aspose can search and replace a text in a MS word doc file with a Hyperlink?
    If yes, can someone give me an example of it?
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Thanks for your request. You can achieve this using ReplaceEvaluator. See the following code for example:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Open the document.
    Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.doc");
    doc.getRange().replace(Pattern.compile("http(s)?://([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+(/[\\w- ./?%&=]*)?"),
            new ReplaceWithHyperlinkEvaluator(), false);
    // Save the modified document."C:\\Temp\\out.doc");
public class ReplaceWithHyperlinkEvaluator implements ReplaceEvaluator
        * A user implemented ReplaceEvaluator.replace() method is called for each
        * match found during a replace operation.
        * @return An enumerated value that specifies the action to be taken for the current match.
    public int replace(Object sender, ReplaceEvaluatorArgs e) throws Exception
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(e.getMatchNode().getDocument());
        // Move to mathed node
        // Insert hyperlink
        builder.insertHyperlink(e.getMatch().group(), e.getMatch().group(), false);
        return ReplaceAction.REPLACE;

Also, see the following link to learn more about ReplaceEvaluator:,java.lang.String,com.aspose.words.FindReplaceOptions)
Hope this helps.
Best regards.

Alexey, Thanks for the response. I tried the code given by you. It seems to work partially, what I mean by partially is that new URL that is written is not at the same position/location as the replaced text.
For example: If I try to replace “Java” with a Hyperlink in the following line of the document, the replaced Hyperlink appears at the begining of the line instead of being at the third word position.
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Ouput of Replacement
NEW_URL Sun Certified Programmer.
Please let me know if some code tweaking needs to be done.

Thanks for your request. I think the following code will work for you.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Open the document.
    Document doc = new Document("C:\\Temp\\in.doc");
            new ReplaceWithHyperlinkEvaluator(), false);
    // Save the modified document."C:\\Temp\\out.doc");
public class ReplaceWithHyperlinkEvaluator implements ReplaceEvaluator
        * A user implemented ReplaceEvaluator.replace() method is called for each
        * match found during a replace operation.
        * @return An enumerated value that specifies the action to be taken for the current match.
    public int replace(Object sender, ReplaceEvaluatorArgs e) throws Exception
        // Get MatchNode
        Run run1 = (Run)e.getMatchNode();
        // Create Run
        Run run2 = (Run)run1.deepClone(true);
        // Get index of match value
        int index = run1.getText().indexOf(e.getMatch().group());
        // split run that contains matched text
        run2.setText(run1.getText().substring(index + e.getMatch().group().length()));
        run1.setText(run1.getText().substring(0, index));
        run1.getParentParagraph().insertAfter(run2, run1);
        DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(e.getMatchNode().getDocument());
        // Move to mathed node
        // Insert hyperlink
        builder.insertHyperlink(e.getMatch().group(), "", false);
        return ReplaceAction.SKIP;

Hope this helps.
Best regards.

This code worked. Will do more testing and get back to you if something breaks.

Hi Alexey,
I am doing the similar stuff but I don’t want to replace the text with hyperlink.
My Problem is that I have to search & replace text with some other text.
For example, my doc has a line…
Illustration :
I have to replace with ABC12.
Can you please tell me how can I do it.
Thanks in anticipation

Thanks for your request. I answered this question here:
Best regards.

A post was split to a new topic: How to insert hyperlink for the StructuredDocumentTag