Report export to word not working

i am an applications developer in the dept of executive admin of the city of seattle. i have developed several reports using sql server reporting services and these need export to word (doc and/or docx). There is one detail report which has 5 sub-reports which fails on export to word. it does export to pdf. Export to RTF fails as well. There are several other reports for the application which export readily but none of those have sub-reports. The report displays perfectly. I am wondering whether exporting a complex report with many sub-reports is allowed in aspose or is it something in my application that we need to trace through. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Rajan Varadarajan
Temporary phone: 206-233-1092

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Thanks for your request. Could you please attach your output document, rdl report and file here for testing. We will check the issue and provide you more information.
Best regards.

Alexey - thanks for the prompt response. Here are the files -
CIPBookProjectDetail.rdl - main report file
the other sub reports are prefixed with “sub” in the order they appear in the main report. This is the big report our departments use to print out their detailed capital appropriations/budget document. This report displays perfectly both in stand-alone SQL Server report server and in our application. It also exports to pdf without a hitch but the export fails for doc and RTF formats. Thanks in advance for your help in trouble-shooting this problem.


Thank you for additional information. Your request has been logged in our defect database. The developer, who is responsible for Aspose.Words for Reporting Services will answer you shortly.
Best regards.

I was gone for a day but one of my associates (who has lot more experience with SQL Server Reports and Aspose) found a problem with the reports I sent you. The footer was deriving two values from hidden controls inside the report table like “ReportItems!myTextbox1.value and ReportItems!myTextbox2.value” (since SQL Server Reports cannot use field values directly in page footers and headers). When my assoicate removed the references in the footer and tried to export to Word, the export apparently worked. I am not sure whether this is an Aspose bug and has been documented.
I am working on a series of reports for another project. I noticed in one of the forums that it is better to use “internal” parameters in SQL Server Reports and set the footer/header values equal to the respective internal parameters. I have not tested the export features of this project’s reports yet.
Hope to get some additional insights into this problem from your team. Thanks again.
Rajan (