Reporting Service does not recognize license

I have installed Aspose Barcode 19.8 on a SQL Server 2016 with multiple instances. In C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.\Reporting Service\ReportServer\bin I can see the DLL file, XML file and I have placed my lic file there.
The two configuration files rssrvpolicy.config and rsreportserver.config in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.\Reporting Service\ReportServer look properly configured, too.
Afterwards I restarted the service.
Unfortunately all Barcodes I generate via Reporting Service still look like unlicensed barcodes.

Is there an other configuration- or log-file I can check?,
Please spare us little time to analyze your issue. We will write back here soon to share our feedback.

Unfortunately all Barcodes I generate via Reporting Service still look like unlicensed barcodes.

Do you use Aspose.Total/Barcode for Reporting Services or Aspose.Total/Barcode Product Family licenses? Because Aspose.Barcode for .NET does not fit to Reporting Services.

Also you can use configuration utility(ConfigLicense.exe) to write license to the server registry.

Thank you for the hint with ConfigLicense.exe. Now everything works just fine.