Request for Code to Create Arrow Line with Circle in Scatter Chart Using Aspose.Cells

using Aspose.Cells;
using Aspose.Cells.Charts;
using Aspose.Cells.Drawing;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Net;

internal class Program

    static void Main()
    Workbook workbook = new Workbook();

    // Access the first worksheet
    Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

    // Add data for the scatter chart

    // Example data (adjust as needed)
    worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(8.0); worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(7.5); worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("Empathy");
    worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(8.8); worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(8.0); worksheet.Cells["C3"].PutValue("Charisma");
    worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue(8.5); worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(8.0); worksheet.Cells["C4"].PutValue("Cooperation");
    worksheet.Cells["A5"].PutValue(8.3); worksheet.Cells["B5"].PutValue(6.5); worksheet.Cells["C5"].PutValue("Hope");
    worksheet.Cells["A6"].PutValue(8.2); worksheet.Cells["B6"].PutValue(5.5); worksheet.Cells["C6"].PutValue("Enthusiasm");
    worksheet.Cells["A7"].PutValue(8.0); worksheet.Cells["B7"].PutValue(4.0); worksheet.Cells["C7"].PutValue("Perseverance");
    worksheet.Cells["A8"].PutValue(8.5); worksheet.Cells["B8"].PutValue(6.0); worksheet.Cells["C8"].PutValue("Prudence");
    worksheet.Cells["A9"].PutValue(8.7); worksheet.Cells["B9"].PutValue(4.5); worksheet.Cells["C9"].PutValue("Flexibility");
    worksheet.Cells["A10"].PutValue(9.0); worksheet.Cells["B10"].PutValue(6.5); worksheet.Cells["C10"].PutValue("Ambition");
    worksheet.Cells["A11"].PutValue(9.0); worksheet.Cells["B11"].PutValue(5.5); worksheet.Cells["C11"].PutValue("Friendliness");
    worksheet.Cells["A12"].PutValue(8.9); worksheet.Cells["B12"].PutValue(5.0); worksheet.Cells["C12"].PutValue("Trustworthiness");
    worksheet.Cells["A13"].PutValue(8.1); worksheet.Cells["B13"].PutValue(3.5); worksheet.Cells["C13"].PutValue("Fortitude");
    int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Scatter, 5, 0, 25, 10);
    Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];

    // Add data series
    chart.NSeries.Add("B2:B13", true); // Y-Values
    chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A2:A13"; // X-Values

    // Customize the series labels
    for (int i = 0; i < chart.NSeries[0].Points.Count; i++)
        ChartPoint point = chart.NSeries[0].Points[i];
        point.DataLabels.Text = worksheet.Cells[$"C{2 + i}"].StringValue; // Add label text
        point.DataLabels.Font.Size = 10;
        // Set individual marker type and size
        point.Marker.MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Circle;  // Set marker type
        point.Marker.MarkerSize = 8;  // Set marker size
        point.Marker.ForegroundColor = Color.Blue;  // Set marker color



    // Customize the chart title and axes
    chart.Title.Text = "Top 12";
    chart.Title.Font.Size = 14;

    chart.ValueAxis.Title.Text = "Score";
    chart.ValueAxis.Title.Font.Size = 10;

    chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Text = "Required";
    chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Font.Size = 10;


ScatterDesign (3).PNG (48.1 KB)


We have tried the above lines of code creating a scatter chart using Aspose. Cells, but we need to implement an arrow line with a circle in the scatter chart, as shown in the attached image. Could you please share the C# code to achieve this?


To create a scatter chart with an arrow line and a circle in Aspose.Cells, you can follow the example below. This code builds upon your existing implementation by adding a line with arrowheads and a circle shape to the scatter chart.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

using Aspose.Cells;
using Aspose.Cells.Charts;
using Aspose.Cells.Drawing;
using System.Drawing;

internal class Program
    static void Main()
        Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
        Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

        // Add data for the scatter chart

        // Example data
        worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(8.0); worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(7.5); worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("Empathy");
        worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(8.8); worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(8.0); worksheet.Cells["C3"].PutValue("Charisma");
        // Add more data as needed...

        int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Scatter, 5, 0, 25, 10);
        Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];

        // Add data series
        chart.NSeries.Add("B2:B3", true); // Y-Values
        chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A2:A3"; // X-Values

        // Customize the series labels and markers
        for (int i = 0; i < chart.NSeries[0].Points.Count; i++)
            ChartPoint point = chart.NSeries[0].Points[i];
            point.DataLabels.Text = worksheet.Cells[$"C{2 + i}"].StringValue; // Add label text
            point.DataLabels.Font.Size = 10;
            point.Marker.MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Circle;  // Set marker type
            point.Marker.MarkerSize = 8;  // Set marker size
            point.Marker.ForegroundColor = Color.Blue;  // Set marker color

        // Add an arrow line
        int startX = 5; // X position of the start of the line
        int startY = 5; // Y position of the start of the line
        int endX = 20; // X position of the end of the line
        int endY = 15; // Y position of the end of the line
        LineShape line = worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(startX, startY, endX, endY);
        line.Line.FillType = FillType.Solid;
        line.Line.SolidFill.Color = Color.Red; // Line color
        line.Line.Weight = 2; // Line weight
        line.Line.EndArrowheadStyle = MsoArrowheadStyle.Arrow; // End arrow style
        line.Line.EndArrowheadLength = MsoArrowheadLength.Medium; // End arrow length
        line.Line.EndArrowheadWidth = MsoArrowheadWidth.Medium; // End arrow width

        // Add a circle at the end of the line
        int circleX = endX - 5; // Adjust circle position
        int circleY = endY - 5; // Adjust circle position
        int circleSize = 10; // Circle size
        Shape circle = worksheet.Shapes.AddShape(MsoDrawingType.ELLIPSE, circleX, circleY, circleSize, circleSize);
        circle.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
        circle.Fill.SolidFill.Color = Color.Blue; // Circle color

        // Customize the chart title and axes
        chart.Title.Text = "Top 12";
        chart.Title.Font.Size = 14;
        chart.ValueAxis.Title.Text = "Score";
        chart.ValueAxis.Title.Font.Size = 10;
        chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Text = "Required";
        chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Font.Size = 10;



  1. Data Preparation: The code initializes a workbook and adds data for the scatter chart.
  2. Chart Creation: A scatter chart is created, and data series are added.
  3. Marker Customization: Each point in the series is customized with labels and circular markers.
  4. Arrow Line Addition: An arrow line is added to the worksheet with specified start and end points, along with arrowhead styles.
  5. Circle Addition: A circle shape is added at the end of the arrow line to visually represent the end point.

This code should help you create the desired scatter chart with an arrow line and a circle. Adjust the positions and sizes as needed to fit your specific requirements.


No external sources were referenced in this response.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) CS0117 ‘MsoDrawingType’ does not contain a definition for ‘ELLIPSE’ Aspose D:\AsposePDF-master\AsposePDF-master\Aspose\Program.cs 61


Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error (active) CS7036 There is no argument given that corresponds to the required parameter ‘height’ of ‘ShapeCollection.AddLine(int, int, int, int, int, int)’ Aspose D:\AsposePDF-master\AsposePDF-master\Aspose\Program.cs 49

image.png (41.9 KB)

ScatterDesign (3).PNG (48.1 KB)
Result is not expected as you the provide sample code .Please assist.


Could you please manually create your desired chart in MS Excel, save the file, and share the saved Excel file with us? We will then explore and devise code segment on how to achieve the task using Aspose.Cells APIs.

P.S. Please compress the Excel file into a zip before attaching it here. (22.0 KB)

Thanks for your support .Please find the manually create your desired chart in MS Excel in the attached zip file.

Hi @sanjai03

We have studied the file you provided, have you manually set the position of the label in the file? The line only appears when the label position dragged to a distant place.

Excel will by default place the label next to the point, in which case the line will not appear. Unless the label cannot be placed, excel will change the position of the label to a distant place, or you manually set the position of the label to a distant place. This is when the lines will appear.

Using Aspose.Cells, you can ensure the line is visible by setting the HasLeaderLines property on series to True. Then position the label so that it’s far enough from the point that excel will render the line.

I use the code you provided earlier, and insert 3 lines of code before saving to get the following result.
line1.png (8.9 KB)

        chart.NSeries[0].HasLeaderLines = true;
        chart.NSeries[0].Points[0].DataLabels.X += 100;
        workbook.Save(path + "ScatterChartWithArrows2.xlsx");

You can see that the appearance of the line is highly related to the position of the label. I hope this can help you.

Thanks for your prompt action. we will try and let you know.

Please take your time to try the suggested solutions. Hopefully, your issue will be sorted out. Please let us know your feedback.

Hi John,

We have implemented the solution as provided, but we could not achieve the correct appearance of the line due to its high dependency on the label’s position.

Attached are the sample code and the corresponding Excel file for your reference. Kindly assist us in resolving this issue. Your guidance would be greatly appreciated. (10.8 KB)

Please try the followsing sample code and check the attachment. (9.5 KB)

public static void ScatterChart()
    // Step 1: Create a Workbook and Worksheet
    Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
    Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
    sheet.Name = "ScatterChart";

    // Step 2: Add Data for the Scatter Chart
    sheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Required";
    sheet.Cells["B1"].Value = "Expressed";
    sheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "Point Name";

    // Example Data (You can replace with your own dataset)
    double[] required = { 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 7.0 };
    double[] expressed = { 5, 6, 8, 9, 7, 5 };

    string[] labels = { "Hope", "Empathy", "Charisma", "Cooperation", "Friendliness", "Flexibility" };

    //TextFragment[] textFragments = { };

    for (int i = 0; i < required.Length; i++)
        sheet.Cells[$"A{i + 2}"].Value = required[i];
        sheet.Cells[$"B{i + 2}"].Value = expressed[i];
        sheet.Cells[$"C{i + 2}"].Value = labels[i]; // Labels for points

    int rowCount = labels.Length;
    string dataRange = $"B2:B{rowCount + 1}";
    string categoryRange = $"A2:A{rowCount + 1}";

    int chartIndex = sheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Scatter, 5, 0, 25, 10);
    Chart chart = sheet.Charts[chartIndex];
    chart.Title.Text = "Top 12";
    chart.Title.Font.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2f5597");

    int seriesIndex = chart.NSeries.Add(dataRange, true);
    chart.NSeries.CategoryData = categoryRange;
    Series series = chart.NSeries[seriesIndex];

    series.DataLabels.ShowCategoryName = true;
    series.DataLabels.ShowValue = true;
    series.DataLabels.Position = LabelPositionType.Above;

    ChartCalculateOptions opt = new ChartCalculateOptions();
    opt.UpdateAllPoints = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < series.Points.Count; i++)
        DataLabels label = series.Points[i].DataLabels;
        label.Text = labels[i];
        label.IsAutoText = false;
        label.Position = LabelPositionType.Above;

        FontSetting fntSetting = label.Characters(0, labels[i].Length);
        fntSetting.Font.Color = Color.Black;
        fntSetting.Font.IsBold = false;
        fntSetting.Font.Size = 8;
        //fntSetting.Font.IsSuperscript = true;

        series.HasLeaderLines = true;
        series.Points[i].Marker.ForegroundColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2f5597");
        series.Points[i].Marker.BackgroundColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2f5597");
        series.Points[i].Marker.MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Circle;
        series.Points[i].Shadow = true;

        series.Points[i].DataLabels.X -= 200;
        series.Points[i].DataLabels.Y -= 100;


    //chart.NSeries[0].HasLeaderLines = true;
    //chart.NSeries[0].Points[0].DataLabels.X += 100;

    chart.ValueAxis.Title.Text = "Expressed"; // Set the Y-axis title
    chart.ValueAxis.Title.Font.IsBold = true;
    chart.ValueAxis.Title.Font.Size = 12;
    chart.ValueAxis.Title.Font.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2f5597");
    chart.ValueAxis.MajorGridLines.Transparency = 0.5;

    // Optional: Set X-Axis Title (if needed)
    chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Text = "Required";
    chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Font.IsBold = true;
    chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Font.Size = 12;
    chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Font.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#2f5597");

    chart.CategoryAxis.MajorGridLines.IsVisible = true;
    chart.CategoryAxis.MajorGridLines.Color = Color.LightGray;
    chart.CategoryAxis.MajorGridLines.Style = LineType.Solid;
    chart.CategoryAxis.MajorGridLines.Transparency = 0;

    //chart.PlotArea.Area.ForegroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;

    chart.ChartArea.Border.IsVisible = false;
    chart.PlotArea.Area.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.None;
    chart.ShowLegend = false;
    chart.PlotArea.Border.IsVisible = false;

    // Step 5: Save the Chart as an Excel File
    string excelFilePath = @"D:\ScatterChart.xlsx";

    Console.WriteLine($"Scatter chart created successfully");

Hope helps a bit.

Amazing it working fine.Thanks for your support.

Hi John,
We have attempted to create a column bar chart using Aspose. Cells but are looking to achieve a Combined Column Chart instead. Could you please provide a sample code in C# for creating a Combined Column Chart using Aspose?Cells?

For reference, I have attached a screenshot illustrating the desired output. Please let us know if you need additional details.

Looking forward to your assistance. (10.1 KB)

Please plot the second series to secondary axis as the following :

 // Create a new workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            // Access the first worksheet in the workbook
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            // Define your data
            object[,] data = new object[,] {
    { "Category", "S-55", "S-65", "S-70", "S-Column" },
    { "0%", 55, 10, 5, 0.12 },
    { "25%", 55, 10, 5, 0.12 }

            // Get the range of cells where you want to set values
            int startRow = 0;
            int startColumn = 0;
            int numRows = data.GetLength(0);
            int numCols = data.GetLength(1);
            var range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange(startRow, startColumn, numRows, numCols);

            // Set values from the array to the range
            range.Value = data;

            // Adding a chart to the worksheet
            int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ColumnStacked, 6, 0, 25, 10);
            // Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
            Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];

            chart.SetChartDataRange("A1:C3", true);
            chart.NSeries[1].PlotOnSecondAxis = true;
            // Save the workbook
            workbook.Save(dir + "dest.xlsx");

Thanks for your Update.
We have attempted the solution you provided, but the expected output does not align with the desired results. Could you please assist us further?

For your reference, I have attached a screenshot/file illustrating the issue.

Looking forward to your guidance. (10.1 KB)


I checked your Excel file containing the chart but it has external links to other workbook (“LW_Talent_Report_L6 (2).xlsx”) for data source for the chart. Please create an Excel file containing your desired chart, but the source data should be present in the same workbook and not in external source. We will check and then devise code segment to create your desired chart for your requirements.

Please try the following sample code and check the attachment. (8.6 KB)

// Create a new workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
// Access the first worksheet in the workbook
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

// Define your data
object[,] data = new object[,] {
    { "Category", "S-55", "S-65", "S-70", "S-Column" },
    { "0%", 55, 10, 5, 0.12 },
    { "25%", 55, 10, 5, 0.12 }

// Get the range of cells where you want to set values
int startRow = 0;
int startColumn = 0;
int numRows = data.GetLength(0);
int numCols = data.GetLength(1);
var range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange(startRow, startColumn, numRows, numCols);

// Set values from the array to the range
range.Value = data;

// Adding a chart to the worksheet
int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ColumnStacked, 6, 0, 25, 10);
// Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];

chart.SetChartDataRange("A1:C3", true);
chart.NSeries[1].PlotOnSecondAxis = true;
//change the gap width
chart.NSeries[0].GapWidth = 45;
// Save the workbook
workbook.Save(filePath + "column.xlsx");

Hope helps a bit.

As we attached a new zip file Please Review and provide the solution. (10.2 KB)

By examining two files, we found that the charts in the files have the same layout, except for slight differences in the data. Would you like to take a screenshot and highlight the differences? We will check it soon.