Retreivinf messages from Exchange


I am trying out your demo here: [ ](

According to the provider of my Exchange mailbox the server name should be , which is the CAS-proxy, and the domain is not needed. I enter my data and run the demo but I get this

Error: The remote server returned an error: (501) Not Implemented

Can you help me with this?

Best regards
Robert Tell

PS. If I go to the adress I can log in to Office Outlook Web access with no problems.

Hi Robert,

Thank you for inquiry.

The above demo uses ExchangeClient class to connect with the Exchange Server. It requires WebDAV to be enabled on the Exchange. Could you please try to use the format of the URL as listed in this page (http://MachineName/exchange/Username) and see if it works?

Could you please also check which version of Exchange Server is installed? If it is Exchange 2007 or later, we would recommend you to use ExchangeWebServiceClient class that uses EWS. Please try this demo link The URL is normally in the form (http://exchange-server-address/ews/Exchange.asmx ). You may either get the information of the correct URL from the Exchange Admin or use website and choose “Service Account Access (Developers)” and search for “asmx” in the result to find the correct EWS URL.

Thanks Saqib,

I tried the web service approach and it works fine. There is no disadvantage in terms of speed with this - is it?

Best regards

Robert Tell

Hi Robert,

I think there will be no issue with the speed using Exchange Web Services (EWS). Rather, it will have advantages over WebDAV. Microsoft discontinued support of WebDAV in Exchange 2010. All operations are now based on EWS and it will give you advantage to make use of new features available with Exchange 2010.

Feature wise, EWS is richer than WebDAV. Please have a look at the following articles describing features that are only supported in EWS with Exchange Server 2010 SP1 only.