Retrieve images inside a Excel document using C#

Any ideas how to get an image inside a document using C# ??

or link ??


Currently Aspose.Excel doesn’t support this feature. Could you tell me your expected date for this feature? I will add it in my future plan.

Aspose.Excel is discontinued and is replaced with a new product Aspose.Cells which provides all the advanced features of spreadsheets nowadays. This new product supports retrieving images from Excel document as shown in the following sample code:

// Open a template Excel file
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(sourceDir + "sampleExtractImagesFromWorksheets.xlsx");

// Get the first worksheet
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

// Get the first Picture in the first worksheet
Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture pic = worksheet.Pictures[0];

// Set the output image file path
string picformat = pic.ImageType.ToString();
// Note: you may evaluate the image format before specifying the image path
// Define ImageOrPrintOptions
ImageOrPrintOptions printoption = new ImageOrPrintOptions();

// Specify the image format
printoption.ImageType = Drawing.ImageType.Jpeg;
// Save the image
pic.ToImage(outputDir + "outputExtractImagesFromWorksheets.jpg", printoption);

For more information on managing the pictures, have a look at the following link:
Managing Pictures

The latest version of this new product can be downloaded here:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)

Ready to run sample codes are available here.