Retrieving barcode orientation


I am working on a project in which i would like to know the orientation of the barcode i just read.

Is this even possible?


Wim Didden

Hi Wim,

I am sorry it is not possible with the current release. We will look into it and consider adding it in future. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I also tried to find out the barcode direction.

I see two possible ways:

- Scan multiple times, with only one barcode direction as a hint.

- Examine the barcode region, the points seem to follow a pattern around the barcode.

However I am not sure if either of these ways is suitable for a production environment. A built-in solution would definitely be preferable.


I agree that a property or method in the BarCodeReader class would be an efficient way to get the barcode direction. I have also added it in our issue tracking system (ID: 15727) and will notify you when there is a plan to add this feature. Sorry for the inconvenience.


We need this feature as well. Do you know when you will have this implemented, or do you know if there is a workaround in the meantime?

May you also please inform me, when this feature will be available?

Kind Regards


I solved my issue with a workaround.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

How does the workaround work.? It is a combination of scan for barcodes in a fixed direction (important) and rotating the document max 4 times (if needed)

Since the barcodes on all documents are printed at the same location in every document (bottom of the page), I cut the lower 3cm (10%) of the document and scan that, this is fairly fast because there is nothing else located besides the barcode. So if the users places the documents in the correct way into the scanner it does not need to turn anything but otherwise I can find the orientation by turning until I get a positive result on scanning for the barcode.

When I have the orientation of the document I can save it the right way.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards


The issues you have found earlier (filed as 15727) have been fixed in this update.

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