Right click custom modalpopupwindow (Aspose.Cells.GridWeb version


During runtime when I right click I’m getting default menu.I don’t want that default menu I want a modalpopupbox to display when I right click. I tried, I’m able to add my menu item in the default menu items from there when I click on the link modalpopupwindow is displayed. But as per my requirement, when I right click modalpopupbox should display(Not the default menu). Can you please reply me if there is any “right click event” in the aspose GridWeb or logic to my requirement.

Many Thanks,



Please see the demo for your reference on how to add custom context menu items:

Also, alternatively you can remove/disable some menu items e.g “Delete Row”, the procedure is a simple as a workaround. i.e.,
Create a new javascript language file same like “lang_en.js” (You may also update the existing “lang_en.js” file. but this method is not recommended) which is stored by default in the " …\Program Files\Aspose\Aspose.Cells for .NET\acw_client" folder, Open it into notepad and edit it to Save it As for your need. You may set the labels for the related lines e.g., MenuItemDeleteRow :“Delete Row”, to:
MenuItemDeleteRow :"",
so that the option will not be shown in the context menu when the user utilizes the right click menu of the gridweb. In your code you may try to set the code(e.g in Page_Load event):
GridWeb1.ACWLanguageFileUrl = “http://localhost/Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.Demos/lang_en1.js”;

Thank you.